Sales department
Martin Sliviak
+420 773 957 753
Digitec Solutions s.r.o.
Plzeňská 1270/97
150 00 Prague 5
Digitec Solutions s.r.o.
Plzeňská 1270/97
150 00 Praha 5
IČ: 24305553
DIČ: CZ24305553
How many DBA's is needed to manage 10 databases? Answer is 2 but to manage one database you need also 2 DBA's.
It is surprising how many companies entrusts their key database to people who are learing the administration on the database.
Our DBA's have supported over 1500 databases!
DBA is responsible for many areas but many companies need only few but they anyway have to employ full time DBA.
Don't know what's going on in your database? We will find it out.
Nobody can fully imagine how valuable data is in the database, until they are lost.